Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 3-Your first love

I was pretty young when I experienced my first love. When I was in High School I met this boy at a friends house. We were both spending the weekend there. We chatted for a bit, played a bunch of board games together and became friends. That night we shared the couch bed together (totally pc) and he was such a gentleman. He went back to his house in Lake George and I lived in Waterford. It was a couple weeks before I had heard from him again. It was so funny when he called. He asked for me, and I said this is her. He was like hey this is so and so, and I couldn't figure out who he was. He's like you know your boyfriend. It had been a couple of weeks and I totally didn't think about him. I felt bad as he was hit hard with the flu and didn't have a chance to call. We dated for a few months before he was being shipped out for the military. I loved every minutes I spent with him. A lot of people say you never know true love at the age, but I believe you can. I know I did. I really regretted losing contact with him, and always wondered how he was and what he was up too. Last year sometime on Facebook he contacted me. I was so excited, I didn't know what to think. I had so many mixed emotions. Scared, nervous, excited, happy with little heart flutters. It's not every day you get to chat with an old love. It was cool to see he remembered me the same way, that I had meant just as much to him back then as he did to me. We talked about our lives and our families. It was so great to see that he had found someone who loved him dearly, and that he had children. I loved seeing someone I cared so much about have success in life. Now as I tell this story I must say that he will always hold a special place in my heart, and that my heart will always flutter a little at the thought of him. I love having such a memory to treasure of High School love.



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